Claim Your ERC Tax Credit

Claim Your ERC Tax Credit

Claim Your ERC Tax Credit. COVID-19 was definitely a very difficult time for many business owners. As our economy came to a complete STOP, it left the futures of many business owners in a very trying position. As we attempt to find some sort of normal lifestyle, many businesses are now focusing on recovering all the losses they incurred. In this process, government programs that are available have eased the pain and created a smooth transition for all.

This AMAZING program is the Employee Retention Credit or ERC. ERC is a very generous stimulus program created to assists small businesses and their employees that experienced major challenges during the time of COVID-19. Unfortunately, not many businesses were made aware of how they could recover their losses, and not many were notified of all their options.

With this program, the details include:

  • You can qualify for up to $26,000 per employee.
  • The ERC deadline for all four quarters for the 2021 tax year is April 15, 2025.
  • You can qualify with LOSS of revenue or COVID related setbacks.
  • There are NO LIMITATIONS on the amount of Funding that is owed to you. Remember, ERC is not a loan.
  • ERC is setup as a 100% Refundable tax CREDIT

Take Advantage of ERC

These ERC specialists are very professional in handling all the correct documentation so that NOTHING is being left “unturned”. Making sure to maximize your credit in every way imaginable. They also average 10-20% more funding than your local CPA that would not be familiar with this program. You could not ask for a more SIMPLER method to receive the funding you need for your business. They have ALL the Integrity and Experience you can trust.

ERC Specialists Process

Working with ERC Specialists Comes In Four Stages:

Stage 1- QUALIFY

Firstly, you will qualify using their online tool. You will be able to review their Summary Table along with the IRS TAX CODE information that is provided.


Secondly, they provide you with a Portal that is highly secure to upload the required information for payroll and PPP documentation. Their specialists will review your submission to make sure all the required documentation is correct and ready to send to the IRS, to ensure that they maximize your credit.

After reviewing your submission and documentation, their experts will provide a detailed analysis describing the exact amount of ERC credits they will file on your behalf. Once you sign the agreement, they will submit your revised 941 forms to the IRS.


Thirdly, is to wait for the IRS finish completing their process. It can take from 4-6 months, on average, for the IRS to process your ERC submission. The HARD part is done and now it’s time to sit back and wait.


Lastly, your funds will be sent to you in the form of a CHECK or directly from the IRS.

Claim Your ERC Tax Credit

While you’re waiting for your Funds, drop by our wine page to relax a bit after allowing ERC specialist to do all the work for you, come check this out:

Take advantage of this very simple opportunity to maximize your earnings in your business. This program is available to Millions all across the United States, and there is a small percentage of those that have not utilized this program and need it.

That’s why they have experts for this ERC opportunity. You can not believe how underutilized this program is. There are still Millions of Dollars of FREE money just lying around waiting for YOU to take it. What are you waiting for? Qualify right away and receive what is rightfully yours! Enjoy!